

Paradigm is your ideal School Management Innovation!

  • “Paradigm™” is an Online Web-based Integrated School Management System that consists mainly of three integrated application layers.
  • “Paradigm™” helps schools to manage their day-to-day operations, and to establish a robust and solid business process platform for smooth workflow, operations, and streamlined management.
  • “Paradigm™” is a featured-rich system that allows schools to establish collaboration and communication channels between teachers, academic and admission boards, students and parents with complete independence of time, adds on space and availability.


  • Full dynamic examination module suitable for all types of examinations and calculations.
  • Avails learning outcomes.
  • Integrated and dynamic high-performance marks' analysis reporting tool.
  • Manage teachers' subjects, categories, assessments, and timetables.
  • Manage lesson, weekly, and annual Plans.
  • Manage comments, exams schedules,and daily diaries.
  • Avails students attendance with reports and statistics.
  • Generates semester or final certificates as required.

“An Ideal & Advanced HR Solution”

  • Avails a full employee profile.
  • Provides a complete Employees attendance tracking records.
  • Avails an employee accrual leaves and requests.
  • Avails public holidays and employee vacations.
  • Payroll management module allows you to automate payroll calculations for wages, bonuses, and other forms of compensation.
  • Generating full customized reports.

“Comprehensive Cash Flow Management Solution”

  • Provides a fees' calculations, collection management & discounts.
  • Controlling all purchasing, and sales activities.
  • Handling tax invoices, general ledger, banking, reconciliations, credit & debit memos, journals, payments, and received payments' details.
  • Tracking all transactions by all users.
  • Dynamic and flexible built in smart reporting tools.
  • Output, input and return vat reports.
  • Automatic revenue adjustments.
  • Automatic monthly revenue distribution.
  • Generate salaries journals automatically.
  • Distribute expenses on cost center.
  • Dynamic and flexible built in smart reporting tools.

“An Ideal Students' Registration Solution”

  • Handling students enrollments and withdrawals.
  • Students' upgrading details.
  • Moving students between sections.
  • Availing Parents and students' information.
  • Availing black list for students.
  • Full reporting tools including statistical reports
  • Generating any students' related statistical reports.

“The Future of Fixable Education”

  • Managing the library catalogue, components, and all the library's items.
  • Avails items multi Branches, and multi languages.
  • Managing library borrowing policies.
  • Integrated with online book services to enable retrieving books' information by ISBN
  • Developed with (OPAC) feature which allows the user to perform an advanced search criteria.
  • Managing the borrowing and returning library's items.
  • Generating detailed reports.
Communicating with parents, both for emergencies and routine information. It has a rich suite of text messaging tools, capable of reaching targeted individuals or defined groups, together with a competitive sms price.

“Smart Innovation which Achieves a Safe School Transportation”

  • Managing buses and drivers scheduling and operations.
  • Managing buses routes with fees details.
  • Managing students distribution by routes.
  • Integrated with Bus Plus (smart mobile application).
  • Generating transportation and buses reports.

New Modules


  • Maintain complete inventory of the school.
  • Managing a store category, store item, and suppliers.
  • Managing a purchase and sales orders.
  • Managing a books and uniforms distribution.
  • Generating detailed reports.


Customer Relation Management give you the ability to track requests from staff, parents or students based on priority.

Marks Analytic

It is a fully customized marks' reporting engine, which covers any statistics or reports requested by the schools' evaluations process, which includes the following categories:

  • Progress
  • Attainment
  • Comparison
  • Average Mark
  • Student