Administration XXX

We understand that human resource is an essential part in the package so we tend to add pages that manage whole things related to staff management issues such as (add , view, archive , reports) employees , staff attendance that allow to( delete , edit , and transfer) attendance and able to create daily and monthly reports .Content will also create a payroll management that manage financial issues like (add, view ) banks , staff payroll and salaries and all needed reports about payrolls , also , we provide in this content many other features like :Holidays and vacations , warning, promotions , expenses and evaluations

Human Resources ,

Recently, we add this content to our package and provide it as a mobile application. Using this feature, will allowing you to specify every detail about student’s location (add and view), view drivers, (add, view, mapping, copy) busses and you will be able to make the tasks you need to change student location, and student pickup. Moreover, reports creation is an important part we added for transportation and busses lists.
